We just launched a two-year project MILEAGE: Mentorship development for quality practices in higher education, approved in Erasmus+ KA2 programme call. Consortium is constituted by six partners from three countries, among them three NGOs and three universities, since the content of the project is strongly related also to the collaborations of higher education sector and the non-governmental sector. Partners from Italy are a non-governmental organization CESIE and UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO, partners from Finland are RAUHANKASVATUSINSTITUUTTI RY INSTITUTET FOR FREDSFOSTRAN RF (Peace Education Institute) and university OULUN YLIOPISTO, Slovenian partners are a non-governmental organization KULTURNO IZOBRAŽEVALNO DRUSTVO PINA and UNIVERZA V LJUBLANI as a project coordinator.
The objectives of the partnership are to ensure inclusiveness of study practice services, by building capacities of career counsellors and developing new services, to improve the quality of study practices by building the competences and skills of study practice mentors (in NGOs and HEIs), to stimulate trans-disciplinary approaches and innovative pedagogies in HEIs by implementing MILEAGE study practices and form a supportive environment for student practices in three HEIs, and to advocate for civic engagement through the recognition of community work in students’ academic results.