Recording of the round table about the needs for (higher) education for volunteer coordinators (Evi-Dems)

On April 17th 2024, at the educational conference KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS FOR SUCCESSFUL VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT, Tjaša Arko (Slovenian Philanthropy) and Tomaž Deželan (FDV UL) talked with Tadej Kobal (a best-volunteer), Amir Crnojević (a best-mentor) and Marko Pavlovič (MC Zagorje) at a round table about the needs for (higher) education for volunteer coordinators. This is a full recording of the round table.

Recording of the speech The reflective volunteer manager - the court jester approach (Evi-Dems)

17. aprila 2024 je v okviru izobraževalne konference ZNANJA IN VEŠČINE ZA USPEŠNO VODENJE PROSTOVOLJCEV Juri Hoedemakers izvedel plenarno predavanje o uporabi figure dvornega norčka pri reflektiranju vodenja z naslovom The reflective volunteer manager - the court jester approach. To je posnetek celotnega predavanja.

Recommendations for strengthening economic democracy in Slovenia - RSF student assignments

In the framework of the development pillar of financing (RSF), in the winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024, we carried out a research-based curriculum project entitled "Economic democracy in democracies". Students of the study program Political Science - Comparative Public Policy and Administration participated in the project, namely as part of the Introduction to Comparative Politics course. Based on the approaches and methods of comparative politics, student groups have prepared eight public policy recommendations in various areas of economic democracy: 1. Workers' participation. 2. Participatory budgeting. 3. Comparison of participation in the Union of Scouts of Slovenia. 4. Cooperatives. 5. Economic democracy in the context of SDG8 and SDG10. 6. Economic democracy in digital economies. Platform work. 7. Workers' buyouts of companies in Slovenia. 8. The role of community governance in the sustainable management of water resources.

PLACEDU - Distance learning as experienced by its users

In recent years, education has moved from physical to digital spaces. This new type of learning - e-learning - has many advantages, but it also has some disadvantages. Nevertheless, e-learning was quite positively received in the academic community until the global pandemic COVID-19 forced most of the world to switch to distance learning. During the crisis, many academic institutions, students and teachers had the unpleasant experience of having to switch to e-learning completely and without preparation.
