The Toolkit was prepared by
Dr. Christopher David Tulloch and Aleix Martí Danés from Pompeu Fabra University.
The challenge presented by the FLECSLAB project is
the co-creation of a Lifelong Learning Toolkit which
draws on the teaching experiences and in-class activ-
ities of the Connected Learning Communities (CLCs).
In order to obtain greater knowledge and to be able to
extrapolate from these initiatives a collection of ideas
which may be incorporated into a LLL teaching pro -
posal such as that presented here, in-depth structured
interviews were also held with some of the CLC Leads
in which they were asked about their approach to LLL
—examples include active participation through in-
novative instruction and the piloting and monitoring of diverse formats— as well as further details regard-
ing the potentiality of LLL initiatives within the ecosys-
tem of their respective CLCs.