MEDIJSKA OBJAVA, 01. 01. 2023
Identifying barriers and enablers for maintaining LLL capacity

PR2 - Identifying barriers and enablers for maintaining LLL capacity

The report was prepared by Anna-Maria Fjellman from University of Gothenburg.

One of the building blocks of the EUTOPIA Alliance is the Connected Learning Communities (CLCs).
An important aim of FLECSLAB is to actively involve stakeholders operating in the social context of
the learning communities who are interested in cooperating with higher education institutions to
respond to the lifelong learning needs of citizens and professionals. WP1 previously explored the
potential of the CLCs for LLL where 12 CLCs (in total) served as testbeds. This report continues the
previous efforts by focusing on some of the conditions for maintaining LLL capacity at European
universities imposed by policies, regulations, and legislation. These potential barriers and enablers
will be important determinants in how higher education institutions can collaborate with external
stakeholders and to what extent flexible approaches to learning could be opened for non-modal
learners and how the development of flexible mechanisms that recognize short-term learning efforts
might be navigated. This will be vital to facilitate a transition from higher education institutions
addressing mainly full-time degree-seeking students to integrating future flexible personalized
approaches for adult learning.
