MEDIJSKA OBJAVA, 19. 12. 2024
Supporting Lifelong Learning Across Borders FLECSLAB



FLECSLAB stands for “Flexible Learning Communities
Supporting Lifelong Learning Across Borders” and is an
Erasmus+ project developed within EUTOPIA.

The FLECSLAB project is a response to the European
Commission’s ambitions by developing flexible mechanisms
that recognise short-term intensive learning efforts in a
transnational context.

The distinctiveness of FLECSLAB’s approach is its use of
the European University Alliance as the driving force for
integrating an innovative lifelong learning package into
the existing curriculum of the partner universities.

The project aims to ensure coherence between
• the learner’s needs,
• the educational approach and
• the organisational capacity that will enable higher
education institutions to develop a sustainable lifelong
learning business model.

We have produced resources to help higher education
practitioners and policymakers develop:
• lifelong learning pedagogy (Lifelong Learning Toolbox)
• sustainable provision (Lifelong Learning Business Model).
