Prof. dr. Tomaž Deželan
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Expert fields:
citizenship concepts, election studies, political participation, cohesion in legislative bodies, quality in education, educational policies, gender equality in politics
Short CV
Selected publications
Consulting roles

Tomaž Deželan is professor of political science at the University of Ljubljana. He continued his research career at various research institutions abroad (e.g. U Edinburgh, U Tallinn) and holds the Jean Monnet Chair for Civic Education. He is a member of a group of European researchers in the field of youth within the Youth Partnership (Council of Europe and European Commission) and works as an expert in the field of youth, political participation, employability and improvement/quality assurance in education. He is the coordinator of the doctoral study program in American Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana. In the aforementioned areas, he coordinated more than 30 research and application projects worth several million euros and cooperated with many international governmental and non-governmental organizations and initiatives (OSCE ODIHR, OSCE, European Youth Forum, Peace Nexus, International IDEA, Social Progress Imperative, Council of Europe, European Commission, European Parliament, EACEA, ICF, WYG Consulting and others) and governments (Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Montenegro). Prof. Deželan was one of the key experts of the Slovenian presidency of the EU in the field of youth and co-author of the adopted Council resolutions. He is the author or co-author of more than 30 peer-reviewed scientific articles in journals, 25 chapters in edited collections, 10 scientific monographs and the editor of several edited collections and special issues of journals (ISI ranking) and the author of several political, positional and advocacy documents for various organizations (OSCE, International IDEA, EYF).


DEŽELAN, Tomaž, LAVRIČ, Miran. Youth 2020 : the position of young people in Slovenia. 1st digital ed. Maribor: University of Maribor, University of Maribor Press; Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana Press, 2021.ISBN 978-961-286-518-4, ISBN 978-961-7128-03-1,, DOI: 10.51746/9789617128031

DEŽELAN, Tomaž, BACALSO, Cristina, LODESERTO, Anna. Youth political participation. Strasbourg: Council of Europe: European Commission, cop. 2023. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (186 str.)), ilustr. Youth Knowledge, 29. ISBN 978-92-871-9239-4.

SARDOČ, Mitja, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Talents and distributive justice : some tensions. Educational philosophy and theory. 2021, vol. 53, no. 8, str. 768-776. ISSN 1469-5812. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1808021

GOVEKAR-OKOLIŠ, Monika, SVETLIK, Ivan, DEŽELAN, Tomaž, DROBNE, Manca. Practical training in higher education. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba Univerze, 2023. 176 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-297-214-1. DOI: 10.51746/9789612972165.

RAKAR, Tatjana, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. The strength of civil society in Slovenia after three decades of post-communist experience. V: BRIGUGLIO, Lino (ur.). Handbook of civil society and social movements in small states. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2023. Str. 248-261, ilustr. Europa international perspectives. ISBN 978-1-003-34153-6. DOI: 10.4324/9781003341536-21

DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Derailing modern democracies : the case of youth absence from an intergenerational perspective. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije. Series historia et sociologia. [Tiskana izd.]. 2018, letn. 28, št. 4, str. 811-826, ilustr. ISSN 1408-5348.

MAIER, Jürgen, DEŽELAN, Tomaž, FINK-HAFNER, Danica, et al. This time it's different? : effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens' and its consequence for EU democracy : evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries. Journal of European public policy. [Print ed.]. 2018, vol. 25, no. 4, str. 606-629, tabele. ISSN 1350-1763.

VOBIČ, Igor, MAKSUTI, Alem, DEŽELAN, Tomaž. Who leads the Twitter tango? : studying the journalist-politician relationship in Slovenia through Twitter conversations. Digital journalism. 2017, vol. 5, no. 9, str. 1134-1154, tabele. ISSN 2167-0811. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2016.1259002

DEŽELAN, Tomaž, LAKER, Jason A., PAVLIN, Samo. What determines enterprises' perceptions of future development in higher education, strange bedfellows?. European journal of education. 2016, vol. 51, iss. 1, str. 107-125. ISSN 1465-3435., DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12169

DEŽELAN, Tomaž, FINK-HAFNER, Danica, MELINK, Mateja. First-job educational and skill match : an empirical investigation of political science graduates in Slovenia. International journal of manpower : international manpower forecasting, planning & labour economics. [Print ed.]. 2014, vol. 35, iss. 4, str. 553-575, tabele. ISSN 0143-7720. DOI: 10.1108/IJM-05-2013-0103

Key thematic expert, European Commission, Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, a Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on quality assurance of citizenship education in VET (2024)

Key expert evaluator of Erasmus + and ESE (youth field) – mid-term term evaluation of programmes in Slovenia 2023 (contracted by the Office for Youth of the Republic of Slovenia; Contract No. C3331-23-450154)(2023)

Expert cunsultant of the European Parliament and author of the EP's AFCO Study on youth political participation for revisions of electoral and broader participatory EU legislation on youth ( (2023)

Author and expert consultant for the Council of Europe’s CMJ guidelines to implement Recommendation CM/Rec(2006)14 on citizenship and participation of young people in public life, and Congress Resolution 152 (2003) on the revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life (2023)

Key expert of the Youth Mainstreaming initiative between Organization for the Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Peace Nexus foundation (development of a youth mainstreaming system for public, private and non-profit organizations)(2022)

European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) member of the Pool of Experts (2022)

Lead expert of the Council of Europe and European Commission’s Youth Partnership study on Political participation and Shrinking Civic spaces (2022;

Key expert of the Slovenian Presidency to the Council of the European Union for the field of Youth (key expert in the drafting team of Council conclusions and Keynote at the ministerial orientation debate held by the EU Ministers responsible for Youth) (2021;

Lead expert of the European Parliament’s EUROBAROMETER Youth Study 2021 (

Lead Expert of the Council of Europe and European Commission’s Youth Partnership study Shrinking democratic civic space for youth (

CEDEFOP “Governance of EU Skills Anticipation And Matching Systems: In-Depth Country Reviews” (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini Srl SB); consultant

Council of the RS for Quality and Evaluation (2021-2026); member

Slovenian Rectors' conference WG on graduate employability tracking; 2021; President (

Evaluator of the Republic of Croatia's operational programme Effective Human Potentials 2014-2020, priority axis 2 – social inclusion; 2020-2021 (WYG International); key expert

CEDEFOP Financial and non-financial incentives to encourage provision of and participation in education and training; 2020-2021 (3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH); consultant

EC DG EAC Expert group on EU indicators in the youth field, group member

The Bologna Follow-Up Group 2018-2020 (BFUG), Advisory Group on Learning and Teaching (AG 2), group member

Council of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia’s Working group on youth work quality framework: member

Slovenian Rectors' conference WG member-- Working group on development of the culture of quality in Slovenian universities, group member (

Expert evaluator of the National Programme for Youth of the Republic of Slovenia 2013—2022; midterm evaluation; Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth (contract no. C3331-17-450090)

Council of Europe and European Commission’s Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR); member (2017-)

Principal Researcher of the policy initiative "Youth Inclusion in Political Parties: toolkit for advocacy" (commissioned by the European Youth Forum)

Principal Researcher of the Youth Influence Index (partnership with OSCE ODIHR, European Youth Forum, International IDEA, Deloitte, Social Progress Imperative)

Research advisor and expert of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) for the field of Intergenerational Dialogue

Research partner of the European Union's ERASMUS+ Agency in Slovenia; RAY network (Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of Erasmus+); exclusive research contract 2015-2021

Country expert of the CEDEFOP’s (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) “Measuring Performance of EU Member States Skills Systems and Prioritising Skill Mismatches” project – “EU Skills Panorama” (Contract No 2014-0070/AO/RPA/KPOUL-AZU/Prioritising_Skill_Mismatches/015/13)

Member of the governmental (Government of the Republic of Slovenia) project council for promotion of social entrepreneurship, cooperatives and economic democracy (Head of Education group)

Policy advisor of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE); Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR); Political Participation (Pr. no. 353793)

Special service consultant of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE); Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR); Democratic governance: Political Participation of Youth (Pr. no. 330157)

Accreditation and evaluation expert in the field of quality assessment in higher education of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) (2013-)
