Cohesion in the Slovenian national assembly: a pattern of post-socialist democratic parliament?

This paper presents the first attempt to analyse the cohesion of party groups in the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia by analysing the roll-call vote using the Rice cohesion index for a period of about one year, starting at the beginning of the third parliamentary term.

Non-citizens in Local Elections: David or Goliath of the political decision making in Slovenia?

This article examines the granting of the right to vote to foreign nationals, looking at the arguments for and against such a practice.

Party-centrism and gender equality: a study of European elections in Slovenia

In 2004, women candidates won a relatively high share of Slovenian seats in the European Parliament thanks to effective institutional engineering.

Slovenian regulatory dilemmas in the illicit drugs policy field. The relevance of public funding for civil society organizations

Slovenian drug policy reflects several key features of Central and Eastern European welfare systems.
