FLECSLAB - Flexible Learning Communities Supporting Lifelong Learning Across Borders

In November 2021, six founding partners of EUTOPIA Alliance were awarded in Erasmus+ (KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education) for the project “Flexible LEarning Communities Supporting Lifelong Learning Across Borders’” (FLECSLAB) submitted to National Agency for European Community Programmes and International Mobility Programmes in Slovenia. 

Development Pillar Funding (RSF) projects

The RSF funds are earmarked for the development of scientific research and infrastructure activities that contribute to the achievement of the objectives and results and the implementation of the measures and tasks in the field of scientific research defined in the strategic documents of the University of Ljubljana, the country and the European Union.The RSF funds are earmarked for the establishment of new research programmes, start-up programmes and proposals to increase the funding of research programmes, which are subject to the approval of the Senates of the Member States. The decision on the establishment of a new research programme, a start-up programme and the increase of the funding of a programme is made by the Senate of the University of Ljubljana (ULU) and is subject to the approval of the ULU Board of Management (ULU Board of Management).

Enhancing Volunteer Impact - Developing European Management Standards (EviDems)

EVI-DEMS aims to better understand the current state of training and qualifications currently available to existing and potential volunteer leaders. With this better understanding, partners will develop a higher education curriculum and associated resources that will enable partners and other stakeholders to increase the opportunities across Europe to adequately train existing and future volunteer leaders at higher education level and to obtain a recognised qualification based on the Common European Standards for Volunteer Leader Training. This will ensure effective and more ethical management of volunteers across Europe, avoiding exploitation, instrumentalisation and substitution of labour. Better trained and qualified volunteer managers will also increase the overall capacity of communities in disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery, as well as diversity and inclusiveness in the voluntary sector, as better trained and qualified volunteer managers will be able to assess the inclusiveness of the organisations in which they work and develop, manage and monitor proactive plans and strategies to reduce the risks of lack of inclusiveness. More at

Making work-based learning work in an online environment (eWBL)

Projekt eWBL obravnava potrebo po praktičnem usposabljanju študentov na daljavo, in sicer s ciljem razvoja orodij, ki bi jih lahko izobraževalci v visokošolskem izobraževanju uporabili za kakovostno praktično usposabljanje.
