Political communication and social media : revolution or evolution?

In the past, political actors have differed in their motivation to adopt and use technological innovation. Technological innovations may have been introduced when there was a belief that such innovations would make work "cheaper and faster".

Social negotiation of roles on Twitter : analysing journalists-politicians conversations before national elections.

The relationship between journalists and politicians is one of conflict and cooperation that shapes citizens' engagement with political life in specific political, economic, cultural and technological contexts, according to studies ranging from debates on the public sphere, media systems research, explorations of the social roles of media and journalism, to the processes of news production.

Inclusiveness of suffrage in post-Yugoslav region

Inclusiveness of suffrage in post-Yugoslav region
Deželan, Tomaž, 1980- ; Lajh, Damjan - prispevek na konferenci v angleščini 2007
Vir: Transition in Central and Eastern European countries : experiences and future perspectives (Str. 157-188)

Citizenship in Slovenia : the regime of a nationalising or a Europeanising state?

The article attempts to provide a comprehensive account of the Slovenian citizenship regime, which has been only partially presented in the national and regional scholarly literature.
