The political scientist: a profession in decline? Factors co-determining the employability and career success of political science graduates

The paper is based on the assumption that the career success of political science graduates in Slovenia cannot be fully explored without taking into account several macro factors that determine the social and political position of political science as a profession in general.

The equal presence of women in politics from a party programme perspective

Political parties, like other organisations, pursue certain strategic and operational objectives, with the main goal of maximising electoral support, but they do not operate in a vacuum, but are surrounded by a variety of different environments.

Election posters as a medium of political communication in Slovenia: an informative or persuasive tool?

Election posters are a visual means of conveying political messages to a wide audience and are an important print medium for political communication, directly controlled by political actors.

Political science education and employability of graduates : does Bologna have an impact?

Factors influencing graduates' career success fall into two categories: those influenced by HEIs and those external to HEIs.
