Put European Union forward (PutEUfore)

The project "Put EU Forward" deals with EU studies, while at the same time introducing teachers to the goals and functioning of the EU, the concept of active citizenship and fundamental values ​​such as freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination. One part of the project is dedicated to misleading information about the EU and the prejudices that arise from it, and the other extensive part is about EU policies. By participating in the project, teachers will develop new skills. In order to develop their pedagogical skills in the field of the European Union, we will strive to strengthen their learning, analytical and critical thinking competencies. Together with a fundamental attitude of civic mindedness, democratic values ​​and knowledge about politics, human rights, history and the media, they will build a basis for better imparting knowledge about the EU. With the project, we follow the priorities of the Erasmus+ program: inclusion and diversity, digital transformation, the environment and the fight against climate change. Above all, our top priority is participation in democratic life.
prof. dr. Tomaž Deželan
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Tin Kampl
asist. Tin Kampl
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Marko Majce
asist. mag. Marko Majce
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Sabina Otoničar
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
PutEUfore – Izkustvena konferenca o državljanski vzgoji

V okviru projekta Put European Union Forward (PutEUfore) smo zasnovali izkustveno konferenco s temami, ki naslavljajo slabše pokrite, a aktualne teme z območja državljanske vzgoje.

PutEUfore - Experiential Conference on Civic Education, 17 Oct 2024

This school year, we have once again organised an experiential conference in Ljubljana, with tried and tested local speakers.
Selected workshops:
- Contradictory themes in education - Dr. Mitja Sardoč
- Practical examples of promoting democratic participation in the classroom - Prof. dr. Tomaž Deželan
- Systems Thinking with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method - Maja Drobne
- Social Innovation - Dr. Karolina Babič
- Political Violence as a Theme in Civic Education - Dr. Mitja Sardoč

once again earned the teachers 0.5 points for the education for promotion in education.

PutEUfore - Second evaluation workshop

On Monday 17 July, we met as a wider team to check how the project is progressing. Together with Dr. Mitja Sardoč and Prof. Dr. Tomaž Deželan, we checked how the project is progressing, assessed the steps taken so far and planned the next steps.

PutEUfore - Experiential conference held!

Although the weather forecast for Tuesday, 23 April, was poor, with even snow in the forecast, the atmosphere at the PutEUfore Experiential Conference at the Union Hotel in Ljubljana was excellent. Together with nine lecturers or workshop providers of different profiles, four of them from abroad, we held an eight-hour event for teachers of civic education and related subjects, who were joined by youth workers, students, head teachers, as well as workers from universities and other organisations. After an introductory lecture entitled "How to stop democratic decline through innovations in democratic citizenship" by Prof. Dr. T. Deželan and Dr. M. Sardoč ...

PutEUfore - Experiential conference with practical workshops

With the knowledge we gained from surveys and interviews, from a review of existing training offerings, and with the help of our international knowledge and experience, we have designed a one-day experiential conference with modular workshops that address under-covered but highly topical themes in the area of citizenship. We will be assisted by top national and international experts. It will take place on Tuesday, 23 April 2024. Participation is free of charge and you will be issued with a certificate of attendance suitable for promotion to a degree. The conference will be rounded off with a plenary lecture and a panel discussion of different stakeholders in civic education. The workshops will be conducted for a group of 10-15 participants, which will ensure good communication and your participation, as the workshops are very practical oriented.

PutEUfore - NECE Festival 2023: FUTURES!

From 30 November to 2 December 2023, the NECE Festival 2023: FUTURES! conference took place in Madrid, with the themes of learning and exchange, mapping and exploration, networking and advocacy. Over a hundred representatives from civil society, politics and science from Europe and beyond came together for three days of lectures, workshops, markets and informal conversations to work together and individually to find solutions to civic education and future challenges.

PutEUfore - Workshops for teachers

Based on feedback from teachers in the form of a survey and interviews, we have designed a series of one-day modular workshops that address under-covered but highly topical themes in the area of citizenship. Thus, we will conduct one-day workshops with top national and international experts: Dr. Mitja Sardoč (Pedagogical Institute), Dr. Jason A Laker (University of San Jose, USA), Dr. Karolina Babič (DOBA), Maja Drobne (Pina, FdV UL), Nina Vombergar (FdV UL), Dr. Howard Williamson (South Wales University, UK). All workshops are free of charge and you will be issued with a certificate of attendance that you can use for your promotion. The workshops will be run for groups of 10-15 participants, to ensure good communication and to keep you active, as the workshops are very practically oriented.

PutEUfore - First quality assesment workshop

On Monday 17 July, we met as a wider team to check how the project is progressing. Together with Dr. Mitjo Sardoč and Prof. Dr. Tomaž Deželan, we checked how the project is progressing, assessed the steps taken so far and planned the next steps. This included a review of the analysis of textbooks and curricula, the analysis of interviews with civic education teachers, which were combined with a survey aimed at the same target group - both of which served to verify needs and to prepare a strategy. A similar workshop will be held in less than a year and external experts will be involved at that time as well.

PutEUfore - Presentations and templates

On 23/04/2024, we held the PutEUfore Experiential Conference, with ten workshops. The presentations and proposals used in these workshops have been compiled in this booklet.

PutEUfore WP1 - Survey analysis (teachers of CE)

In a survey carried out in June 2023, we included 174 civic education teachers in Slovenia, with a total of 141 teachers responding to the survey. The majority of teachers represented were from primary schools (more than a half) and secondary schools (just under half). The vast majority (46%) see the main aim of this subject area as encouraging pupils' critical and independent thinking, an aim that can be pursued in a crosscuricular way in other subjects. All the other objectives are less important, although some of them aim at subject-specific skills.

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