Strokovni odbor za izobraževanje FLECSLAB se je 27. in 28. oktobra 2022 udeležil delavnic, na katerih je razpravljal z vodji prvih štirih opredeljenih tem in posledično učnih skupnosti EUTOPIA v projektu:
During EUTOPIA week hosted by University of Ljubljana, FLECSLAB partners finally met face to face in Ljubljana and the project officer Milena Sitar Matelič from Slovene National Agency had an opportunity to witness the work done under less than a year under the project. Tomaž Deželan briefly summarised the activities in the project from July 2022 to October 2022. As part of the UL work, the FLECSLAB website was set and updated. In WP1 - Toolbox for Lifelong Learning - semi-structured interviews were conducted with the leaders of the four learning communities and the expert panel was involved in a workshop held in Brussels 28-29 October 2022.
Partners have met remotely on the first transnational meeting on 5 July 2022. First, the current state of affairs regarding the administrative part of the project and the activities carried out during this period was presented. A preliminary monitoring report was prepared for the Slovene National Agency, addressing most of the weaknesses identified during the project application and explaining how the implementation of the project will be monitored in the further phases.
In November 2021, six founding partners of EUTOPIA Alliance were awarded in the framework of Erasmus+ (KA220- HED - Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education) for the project "Flexible LEarning Communities Supporting Lifelong Learning Across Borders'" (FLECSLAB), which was submitted to the National Agency (NA) for European Community Programmes and International Mobility Programmes in Slovenia. On February 3, 2022, the kick-off meeting of the partnership (Univerza v Ljubljani, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, The University of Warwick, CY Cergy Paris Université, Universidad Pompeu Fabra and Goeteborgs Universitet) took place online and was hosted by the University of Ljubljana as project coordinator.