Enhancing Volunteer Impact - Developing European Management Standards (EviDems)

Sofinancira Evropska unija
EVI-DEMS aims to better understand the current state of training and qualifications currently available to existing and potential volunteer leaders. With this better understanding, partners will develop a higher education curriculum and associated resources that will enable partners and other stakeholders to increase the opportunities across Europe to adequately train existing and future volunteer leaders at higher education level and to obtain a recognised qualification based on the Common European Standards for Volunteer Leader Training. This will ensure effective and more ethical management of volunteers across Europe, avoiding exploitation, instrumentalisation and substitution of labour. Better trained and qualified volunteer managers will also increase the overall capacity of communities in disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery, as well as diversity and inclusiveness in the voluntary sector, as better trained and qualified volunteer managers will be able to assess the inclusiveness of the organisations in which they work and develop, manage and monitor proactive plans and strategies to reduce the risks of lack of inclusiveness. More at https://www.evi-dems.eu/ https://www.evi-dems.eu/      
Tomaž Deželan
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Izr. prof. dr. Tatjana Rakar
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Karolina Babič
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Evi-Dems - Izobraževalna konferenca: Znanja in veščine za uspešno vodenje prostovoljcev

17. 04. 2024. Za vse, ki ste vodje ali koordinatorji in koordinatorice prostovoljcev, mentorji in mentorice prostovoljcem, ali pa izobraževalci in svetovalci ter drugi deležniki na področju prostovoljstva, vabljeni na izobraževalni dogodek, kjer bomo predstavili učni načrt visokošolskega progama za koordinatorje prostovoljcev ter materiale za izvajanje programa. Prav tako boste lahko štiri izbrane predmete iz učnega programa podrobno spoznali na delavnicah. Namen konference je zainteresiranim deležnikom s področja prostovoljstva predstaviti skupni evropski kurikulum za izobraževanje koordinatorjev prostovoljstva, ki je bil razvit v okviru projekta Evi-Dems, da se zagotovi ustrezno usposabljanje obstoječih in prihodnjih vodij prostovoljcev na visokošolski ravni in pridobitev priznane kvalifikacije na podlagi skupnih evropskih standardov. Ob tem bomo skupaj z vsemi udeleženci konference iskali načine, kako to izobraževanje za koordinatorje prostovoljcev prenesti v prakso glede na potrebe in potenciale v Sloveniji.

Evi-Dems at 14th Slovenian Congress of Volunteering

On December 5th 2023, Slovenska filantropija - Association for Promotion of Volunteering organized its 14th Slovenian Congress of Volunteering, with over a hundred participants from mostly the volunteering sector in Slovenia. December 5th is the International Volunteer Day mandated by United Nations. The central topic of the congress was the strategy and vision of development of volunteering in Slovenia. At the congress, representatives of our team presented the Evi-Dems project that is developing the standards and higher education master program for volunteer managers, to present these project results to the volunteer sector and to contribute with them to the upcoming Strategy of development of Volunteering for the period 2024 – 2029, regarding the inclusion of volunteer managers education and training into the strategy.

Evi-Dems: Higher Education Curricula for Volunteer Managers Education

From 11th till 15th of December 2023 a group of different experts on education and volunteer management, from the higher education sector and civil society sector, participated a training in Kaunas, Lithuania. The five-day program was focused on comprehending and further enhancing the full curricula for a master program for volunteer manager qualification. This pre-experience master program for volunteer managers was developed in Evi-Dems project, alongside other project results, to support development of common professional standards for volunteer managers. Beside improving the developed master program curricula, participants from more than ten countries also worked together to create a shared vision for the future of the volunteer management profession in Europe. Our team actively participated in the training and working process, as well as in the very pleasant and enriching networking.

Guide to managing volunteers contributing to disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery in Europe 

Increasing the capacity of communities as concerns disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery through having better trained and qualified volunteer managers is one of the main objectives of this project. The common standards will increase the ability of volunteers to contribute to this in a supportive environment.

Guide on the role of volunteer managers in facilitating inclusive volunteering in Europe

This guide will play a huge role in increasing the diversity and inclusivity in the volunteering sector with better trained and qualified volunteer managers able to assess the inclusiveness of the organisations where they are active, manage and follow up on proactive plans and strategies to mitigate risks of lack of inclusivity.

Guide to Volunteering, Solidarity and European Values

This educational resource will contribute considerably to enabling volunteers to be better managed and therefore have a greater impact and facilitate the engagement of even more people as volunteers and for a longer term engagement. This means that even more citizens from diverse backgrounds and realities will be able to contribute in a democratic and active participation in their communities.

Higher Education European Curricula for Volunteer Manager qualification (Course Description Manual, a Course Syllabus and an Assessment Plan)

This curricula includs 4 courses that can be taken by interested candidates. The modules cover volunteer management from different perspectives: the individual, the organisational, the society levels, and continuous professional development for volunteering managers.

European Code of Ethics for Volunteer Managers

This project aims to ensure that through properly trained and qualified managers, volunteers across Europe are managed in a more ethical way, avoiding exploitation, instrumentalisation and job substitution. This publication can be useful in many contexts in European volunteering not limited to the context of the HE learning modules.

State of the Art report on Volunteer Manager Training and Qualifications in Europe

The publication analyses the state of the art of volunteer manager training and qualifications possibilities in Europe, its main aim is to identify and analyse the existing practices within and outside of the partnership since a complete understanding of the full picture in this respect is missing.

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