Development Pillar Funding (RSF) projects

The research team is carrying out several projects under the Development Pillar of Funding (RSF) to create a more inclusive and digitally-supported learning process by introducing innovative teaching methods.
  1. Open Educational Materials for the course Civil and Human Rights Policies in Comparative Perspective
In the context of the development of open materials for the course Civil and Human Rights Policies in Comparative Perspective, open interactive learning materials will be developed in line with the curriculum and the needs of students and other stakeholders. The material will also be made available to a wider professional public (civic education teachers, non-formal educators, youth workers and other interested stakeholders).
  1. Youth and the youth sector: open learning materials for the subject
In line with the Youth and Politics curriculum, we will develop interactive learning materials that respond to the needs of students from different fields of study and other stakeholders. In addition, the material will also be targeted at other stakeholders and in particular the wider professional public, including civic education teachers, non-formal educators, youth workers and other interested parties.
  1. Substantive representation: open learning materials for the subject
In line with the curriculum of the Introduction to Comparative Politics course, we will develop interactive learning materials that respond to the needs of political science students and other stakeholders. In addition, the material will also be targeted at other stakeholders and in particular the wider professional public, including civic education teachers, non-formal educators, youth workers and other interested parties.
  1. Adapting the materials of the 'Youth and Politics' course to the needs of blind, partially sighted, deaf and hard of hearing students
Prilagoditev predmeta je namenjena boljšemu vključevanju netradicionalnih skupin študentov, s posebnim poudarkom na slepih, slabovidnih, gluhih in naglušnih študentih. Prilagoditev temelji na principu UDL ('Universal Design for Learning'), ki predstavlja model vključujoče prakse, katerega cilj je ponuditi študentom možnost, da dosežejo učne cilje in pridobijo kompetence z uporabo različnih pedagoških metod in oblik gradiv ter z možnostjo dokazovanja znanja na različne(študentu prilagojene) načine. S tem pristopom se ustvari vključujoče študijsko okolje, ki študente opolnomoči, da so bolj samostojni in imajo manjšo potrebo po podpori. Več
  1. Pilot modernisation of the Youth and Politics course through the didactic use of ICT
The course update will be based on accessible, inclusive and interactive learning materials, equipped with teaching methods that increase student engagement, motivation and collaboration. The modernisation aims to use ICT to introduce student-centred, innovative and interactive teaching methods that promote independence and active learning and improve attitudes towards learning. Through this, students will develop communication skills, learn to think independently, work more and more effectively in groups (emphasis will also be placed on building group cohesion and dynamics) and acquire leadership skills. They will be trained in the use of ICT for learning, which will further enhance their employability at a time when ICT skills are becoming increasingly desirable in a variety of workplaces.
  1. Pilot modernisation of the study course on Comparative Politics of Human Rights through the didactic use of ICTs
The course update will be based on accessible, inclusive and interactive learning materials, equipped with teaching methods that increase student engagement, motivation and collaboration. The modernisation aims to use ICT to introduce student-centred, innovative and interactive teaching methods that promote independence and active learning and improve attitudes towards learning. Through this, students will develop communication skills, learn to think independently, work more and more effectively in groups (emphasis will also be placed on building group cohesion and dynamics) and acquire leadership skills. They will be trained in the use of ICT for learning, which will further enhance their employability at a time when ICT skills are becoming increasingly desirable in a variety of workplaces.
  1. 7. Economic democracy in democracies
In the framework of the development pillar of financing (RSF), in the winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024, we carried out a research-based curriculum project entitled "Economic democracy in democracies". Students of the study program Political Science - Comparative Public Policy and Administration participated in the project, namely as part of the Introduction to Comparative Politics course. Based on the approaches and methods of comparative politics, student groups have prepared eight public policy recommendations in various areas of economic democracy: 1. Workers' participation. 2. Participatory budgeting. 3. Comparison of participation in the Union of Scouts of Slovenia. 4. Cooperatives. 5. Economic democracy in the context of SDG8 and SDG10. 6. Economic democracy in digital economies. Platform work. 7. Workers' buyouts of companies in Slovenia. 8. The role of community governance in the sustainable management of water resources.
Tomaž Deželan
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Nina Vombergar
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Marko Majce
Marko Majce
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
Karolina Babič
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
RSF - Delavnica snemanja in montiranja videov za študente

At the beginning of November, we organised a workshop on filming and editing videos for students taking the 'Youth and Politics' and 'Comparative Politics of Human Rights' courses at the Faculty of Social Sciences. In both courses, students will prepare group research assignments, which will be presented in videos that they will film and edit themselves, presenting the themes and findings of their research assignments.

Recommendations for strengthening economic democracy in Slovenia - RSF student assignments

In the framework of the development pillar of financing (RSF), in the winter semester of the academic year 2023/2024, we carried out a research-based curriculum project entitled "Economic democracy in democracies". Students of the study program Political Science - Comparative Public Policy and Administration participated in the project, namely as part of the Introduction to Comparative Politics course. Based on the approaches and methods of comparative politics, student groups have prepared eight public policy recommendations in various areas of economic democracy: 1. Workers' participation. 2. Participatory budgeting. 3. Comparison of participation in the Union of Scouts of Slovenia. 4. Cooperatives. 5. Economic democracy in the context of SDG8 and SDG10. 6. Economic democracy in digital economies. Platform work. 7. Workers' buyouts of companies in Slovenia. 8. The role of community governance in the sustainable management of water resources.

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